
In the end times, one newspaper dared to call God to task for His hypocrisy. That newspaper was not us, we swear it. Not the eternal flames!

Walkerville, VA
Monday, August 3, 2025
Carolyn Purcell, Editor

  • 2025海外ip伟理

    In a major break with a critical Democrat power base, OccupyDemocrats accuses Democrats, NEA, and former President Obama with “denying minority children the right to quality education in order to keep them in chains to a failed ideology.”

    Occupy Democrats: Choosing your child’s school should not be a crime.

    Citing the disparate treatment of Felicity Huffman, the actress who bribed an SAT test administrator to get her child into a better school, and Tanya McDowell, the mother who lied about her address to get her child into a better school, the guerrilla political meme-generator OccupyDemocrats yesterday broke with the Democratic Party and demanded school choice nationwide.

    Critics argued that McDowell’s drug crimes, and her possession of drugs on elementary school property, were the reason for her jail time, but Occupy Democrats spokesperson Barbara Boopstein said that:

    We all know drug crimes are nothing-burger crimes today. You don’t get five years for marijuana. But the teacher unions are so powerful that they’ll send a homeless black mother to jail for five years just for the “crime” of choosing a better school for her child!

    Boopstein criticized the “hypocrisy of the NEA and Democrats chaining minorities to failing schools.” Boopstein called inner-city schools “the new plantation system” and accused Democrats of using failing schools to deny education to minority children.

    In an interview Tuesday on the Candace Owens Show, Boopstein was especially critical of former President Obama’s decision to cancel the popular Washington, DC school choice option for parents of children in failing inner-city schools.She argued that “it is long past time for school choice, so that parents don’t have to risk prison time for good schools.”

    Boopstein unveiled a new Occupy Democrats meme campaign urging minorities to vote for Republican candidates whenever the Republican candidate supports the choice of minority parents to choose their children’s schools, “which, let’s face it, is every election. Democrats don’t have the education of minority children as a priority, and Republicans do.”

  • 2025海外ip伟理

    California Senator and 2025 presidential candidate Kamala Harris calls on Democrats to support reparations to descendants of former slaves, and to descendants of Union soldiers who died freeing them.

    “Democrats need to end their love affair with human trafficking,” said the Senator.

    Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) in an interview last week called on blacks to repay the descendants of those Americans who died ensuring their freedom. Harris said on the popular radio show “The Breakfast Club” that a million and a half men, mostly white, risked their lives in the Civil War to ensure the freedom of blacks. At least 600,000 died or were wounded fighting to end the slave policy that 天眼加速器官网 fought so hard to retain.

    “Those lives represent a debt blacks in America can never fully repay,” said Harris, a first-generation California descendant of a Tamil mother and Jamaican father, “but they should try.”

  • 2025海外ip伟理

    Hark Thrice the Walkerville Weekly Reader’s columnist emeritus, recalls Martin Luther King, Jr.’s most important speech on its 55th anniversary. All animals are created peaceful… but some are more peaceful than others.

    On August 28, 1963 I stood at the Lincoln Memorial. I was in the stands when Reverend King delivered his inspiring oratory. It was a speech to launch an activist army—and recalling it now, I can well credit it with inspiring today’s anti-fascist brigades.

    Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to flee from the dark and desolate valley of desegregation to sunlit safe spaces for every color. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial equality to the solid rock of intersectionality. Now is the time to demand all of God’s children decorate cakes, frostings no atheist could conceive or mix.

    There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until we are granted our cakes and spaces. But there is something that I must say to you who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the oven of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not lose our sense of victimization. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of equality and tolerance.

    Yes, this speech was, and is, a stirring call to action. When Reverend King finished, the crowd, as one, buttoned our flannel work shirts and adjusted our masks and marched the streets looking for Christian bakers, Jewish conservatives, black Republicans, and white Hispanics to silence.

    It was a great time to be against fascism.

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